SQL Server – T-SQL Script to detect blocking & block chain(s) and send alerts for it with detailed report

Today I’ll share a script, which I believe most of us will find very useful for their environment just like me. Blocking is very common event on a database server and in-fact blocking occurs almost all the time and fortunately most of them are not harmful (enough). But as we all know this normal occurring event can sometime cause huge issues and we should have some mechanism to track these harmful ones.

Generally without third party assistance it is bit difficult to actually isolate blocking, which can be potentially harmful right now or in future and the default alerting options can flood inbox with too many mail alerts suppressing the one's which are relevant. Fortunately I’m able to ease the things a bit and was able to find a T-SQL way to track and send report of potential problem causing blocking and block chain processes and that too without flooding inbox with non-relevant alerts.

-- =============================================

USE [master]



-- =============================================
-- Author:           Siddharth Chauhan
-- Description:      This SP will get the details of blocked and blocking queries.
-- =============================================

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_get_blocked_process_report]      
       -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
       -- interfering with SELECT statements.

declare @spid int, @spid2 int, @body_text nvarchar(1000), @query_text nvarchar(max), @count int, @cmd nvarchar(max)

create table #t1 (spid int,blocked int)

select @cmd = N'select distinct spid, blocked from sys.sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked!=0 and blocked !=spid'

insert into #t1
exec sp_executesql @cmd

waitfor delay '00:01:00'

create table #t2 (spid int,blocked int)

insert into #t2
select distinct spid, blocked from sys.sysprocesses (nolock)
where blocked!=0 and blocked !=spid

select @count = (select COUNT(isnull(blocked,0)) from #t2 where blocked in (select blocked from #t1))

If @count <= 0 or @count is null

declare cur_proc cursor fast_forward for
select distinct blocked from sys.sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked!=0 and blocked !=spid

open cur_proc

fetch next from cur_proc into @spid

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

       if not exists(select 1 from sys.sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked!=0 and spid = @spid)
              select @spid2 = (select top 1 spid from sys.sysprocesses(nolock) where blocked = @spid)
              select @body_text = N'A block chain event has occurred on server ARLMSININSQL01 at ' + convert(nvarchar(30),getdate(),13)
                     + '. Details for the same has been attached.'
              select @query_text = N'exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name= N''ARLMSININSQL01'', @recipients = N''DB_Team@eclerx.com'',
              @subject = N''Block Chain Alert - ARLMSININSQL01'', @importance = ''High'', @body = ''' + @body_text + ''',
              @query = '' set nocount on
                            print ''''Total number of blocked processes on server:''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            select @@servername "server_name",COUNT(1) "number_of_blocked_processes" from sys.sysprocesses where blocked!=0
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''Originator Query Details are as follows:''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''Process details:''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            exec sp_who2 ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4),@spid) +'
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''Following Query has been fired:''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            dbcc inputbuffer(' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4),@spid) +')
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''Blocked Query Details are as follows:''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''Process details:''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            exec sp_who2 ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4),@spid2) +'
                            print '''' ''''
                            print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''Following Query has been fired:''''
                            print '''' ''''
                            dbcc inputbuffer(' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4),@spid2) +')
                            print '''' ''''
                             print ''''=========================================''''
                            print ''''========================================='''''',
              @attach_query_result_as_file = 1, @query_attachment_filename = ''Blocked_and_Blocking_Query_Details.txt'''
              --print @query_text
              exec sp_executesql @query_text
       fetch next from cur_proc into @spid


close cur_proc
deallocate cur_proc



-- =============================================

The main thing in this script which helps in controlling the mail flood is rechecking of blocked processes after a delay. This helps in avoiding report of blocking which lasts only for few seconds. I’ve used a delay of 30 seconds, however it can be increased or decreased as per the acceptable level for your environment. 
Another important thing to note here is that this script will send one mail for each block chain providing details about the root process of the block chain and the immediate next process. Of-course we need to schedule it in a job for continuous tracking\monitoring and frequency of the job again will be as per the environment requirements.

Hope you’ll find this script useful. Please don’t forget to share and leave your valued feedback\comments.


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