
Showing posts from July, 2018

SQL Server 2014 SP\CU installation getting stuck at “MsiTimingAction”

Hello folks, and welcome back to this new post on Sidd's SQL Solutions. Recently I was working on regular SQL Server patching stuff, which often we have to do and I faced this odd situation on one of the server, which troubled me a lot. Fortunately I was able to fix it after two days of struggle, which also gave me my new post. This blog post will cover this issue and its fix in details. The Issue: The odd situation or the issue I faced here was while installing S ervice P ack 2 for SQL Server 2014 on a server running with  Windows Server 2012 R2  OS. The setup starts up normally like others but gets stuck at “MsiTimingAction ” page and  simply refuses to progress any further . No matter how many times you restart the setup or your system\server it end up at the same stage. It seems to be a known issue, which was fixed in C umulative U pdate 2 of S ervice P ack 1 for SQL Server 2014. The system on which I was applying this patch was already running...