
Showing posts from March, 2013

SQL Server - WMI Provider Error (Access is Denied) while changing service account using SQL Server Configuration Manager

Coming back to my blogs nearly after 3 action packed months with another interesting topic (I hope), which is on a common WMI error which haunts many DBAs. In a DBA's lifetime, he\she has changed SQL services account and\or its password at-least once and many of us may agree that they have faced "WMI Provider Error - Access is Denied" error while changing the password using "SQL Server Configuration Manager". So, for those of us who are still looking for clues, let us try to understand what happened here with an example:  Let's assume that you have joined an organisation and where they have "CompDomain\SQLsrvAccount" fixed domain account under which all your SQL Services runs. Now, a new security policy have been enforced according to which you have to recycle\change your password (due to any condition). Now, you've the new policy perfect password in your possession along with planned maintenance down-time, you went to the server ope...